Kompakt sells and leases a wide range of fantastic recycling machinery and equipment to those who need it. Thanks to this kind of equipment, businesses are now able to tackle their waste packaging efficiently and make a profit from it. In the future though, technology may make recycling machinery obsolete, although it’s highly unlikely.
Things like maps, cigarettes and printing are slowly being phased out and made digital, with their original versions becoming obsolete. Landlines, analogue radio and books are all becoming more and more obsolete too, but where does it end?
We look at some devices and machines that are no longer needed because of technological advances!
VHS Recorder – Nobody really uses videos any more, they were superseded by DVDs. Now, most things are done digitally, the majority of films and TV shows can be found online, without the need for a physical copy.
Public Telephone Boxes – Some people still use these, but they are being uninstalled all over the country due to obsoletion. Most phone calls are now done with mobile phones.
Portable Cassette Players – much like video tapes, cassettes are obsolete, having been overtaken by CDs. Now, people can listen to music on their phones, tablets and laptops, or they can use a memory stick to put music into their car.
Disposable Cameras – These are now just a style choice, with it being hard to replicate the images that disposable cameras create. However, most people choose to use a digital camera now, as they can store thousands of photos and are obviously reusable.
Fax machines – Faxing something was a visual representation of ‘wow, the future’ back when they were introduced, but due to email and instant messaging, they quickly became redundant. They were quite cool though.
Overhead Projector – Nineties kids will remember these, a machine that show light through a transparent piece of paper with writing on it, into an angled mirror, which then shone the image onto a wall. Now projectors use digital technology.
Typewriter – Ok, we are going back quite a long way for when keyboards and printers replaced typewriters. Typewriters are still used somewhat by specialist writers, or hipsters, but their only real advantage is nostalgia.
Pagers – Don’t pagers seem like ancient technology nowadays? Due to the rise of the mobile phone, pagers lost their place in society, although they find use in some small circles.
What machinery did we miss? Tweet us @KompaktUK