This powerful, exceptionally efficient range of polystyrene compactors can easily convert expanded EPS6 polystrene into profit for your business. It can compact up to 15kgs of EPS6 polystrene in an hour. Think about that!
Easy-to-operate, the EPS1 breaks the expanded polystyrene down and compacts it into a brick or briquette that you can then sell, or recycle into plastic components, such as DVD cases or toys!
Revenue generating at it’s recycling best!
Highly efficient, the EPS 1 polystrene compactors can produce blocks of up to 300 kg per m3 with a volume reduction of 40:1.
Responsible recycling that generates revenue as well is not only great for profits but also, the planet.
These machines have been installed in many skip companies and recycling centres. EPS recycling machinery ensures that our customers receive the highest possible rebate on briquettes.
EPS machines are extremely popular with medium to large warehouses or distributions centres all over the UK. The machine makes EPS briquettes to ensure maximum rebates are received for clean polystyrene.
Usually 4 weeks. However, we do keep some balers in stock ready to go. Simply contact us and we'll ensure you get a machine as soon as possible.
Our EPS machines all require 3 phase power. Most depots and facilities can have this installed by a qualified electrician.
Our engineers will train and certificate staff before using the machine. This is usually done on installation day.